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LLM in International Shipping Law
Full/Part Time
Queen Mary University of London - Centre for Commercial Law Studies
School of Law

Classes are provisionally scheduled to be held from 17.30-21.00 on Thursday, Friday and Monday and from 10-17.00 on Saturday and Sunday.

You will also be assessed on a 15,000 word dissertation, following the London LLM curriculum.


The Full-Time LLM in International Shipping Law (Piraeus, Greece) programme consists of six taught modules (assessed by exams or written essays), taught in intensive teaching blocks over the two academic semesters. The frequency of the teaching is once or twice per month from September to April.


The Part-Time option of the programme, is aimed at professionals that they would like to undertake their studies at a controlled pace which will help them to cope with the complexities of highly demanding professional, academic and personal lives.

You will attend the same modules and follow the same teaching timetable as full-time students. However, the part-time programme is spread over two academic years.

In year one, you will normally complete 90 credits of taught modules. In year two, you will normally take a further 45 credits of taught modules and submit the compulsory 15,000-word dissertation (45 credits). The allocation of the modules will be based on a 4 plus 2 plus Dissertation format.


All modules are 22.5 credits unless otherwise stated.

Note: All modules listed below are compulsory for the LLM in International Shipping Law (Piraeus, Greece). 

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Μεταπτυχιακά & Πτυχία σε Ελλάδα και Κύπρο