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Το Global Korea Scholarship προσφέρει μία υποτροφία για προπτυχιακές ή μεταπτυχιακές σπουδές στην Νότια Κορέα


Η γλώσσα που απαιτείται είναι η γλώσσα της χώρας ή η Αγγλική και αφορά ηλικίες μεταξύ 25 και 40.

Από τη σχετική ανακοίνωση:

Global Korea Scholarship provides international students with opportunities to conduct advanced studies in undergraduate & graduate programs at higher educational institutions in the Republic of Korea in order to promote international exchanges in education and mutual friendship between countries.

Available Options in Universities:

Undergraduate course: 4-year courses at designated universities

Transferring between universities is not allowed. (e.g. Starting studies at the junior year is not allowed.)
Graduate course: Master’s or Ph.D. courses at general graduate schools of Korean universities

Total Candidates to be selected: 170 persons (undergraduate course), 700 persons (graduate course)

Korea Language Training: Grantees are required to take Korean language training courses for 1 year at a language institution located on-campus of the domestic universities. (Those who have attained a Korean language fluency score higher than level 5 in TOPIK are exempt from this requirement.)

Περισσότερα στη σχετική ιστοσελίδα, στον σύνδεσμο παρακάτω.

Μοιραστείτε το:

Μεταπτυχιακά & Πτυχία σε Ελλάδα και Κύπρο