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Πρόσθετες Πληροφορίες

Πτυχίο στην Ψυχολογία

Program Overview

The BSc in Psychology program provides students with a comprehensive understanding of the multifaceted discipline of psychology. Offering a balanced blend of theoretical knowledge and practical application, the program ensures students receive a well-rounded education.

Central to the program’s mission is the cultivation of ethical awareness and responsible conduct among students. Whether engaged in psychological research or professional practice, students are guided towards ethical behavior, fostering integrity and respect in all interactions with individuals and groups.

Language of instruction: English

Duration: 4 Years

Program Learning Outcomes

  • Learn to analyze psychological studies, understanding their strengths, weaknesses, and real-life impacts
  • Develop skills to tackle psychological issues using critical thinking and problem-solving
  • Become proficient in planning and conducting psychological studies, including analyzing and interpreting data
  • Master the art of presenting psychological ideas and findings clearly, both in writing and speaking
  • Tailor your message about psychology for different audiences, including experts and the general public
  • Continuously evaluate your own progress and development in psychology

Graduates’ Employability Prospects

Graduates of the BSc in Psychology program can anticipate strong employability prospects due to the adaptability and relevance of their acquired skills. Data sourced from CYSTAT and the European Commission consistently show high employability rates for psychology graduates in Cyprus and the broader European context. The program’s unique feature of offering specialized concentrations equips graduates to select from a broad spectrum of career paths, ranging from clinical psychologists and school counselors to HR specialists and researchers. The program’s emphasis on research proficiency and practical experience through internships ensures that graduates possess a competitive edge when entering the job market. The increasing enrollment in psychology programs in Cyprus, as identified in the feasibility analysis, underscores the growing demand for psychology professionals, further enhancing the employability prospects for program graduates. With their diverse skill set and the expanding interest in psychology, graduates are well-positioned to contribute significantly to various sectors of the labor market, enhancing their value and opportunities for career growth.

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