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Πρόσθετες Πληροφορίες


  1. Gain expertise in Business Administration and in one of the following concentrations: Energy Oil and Gas Management; Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Finance and Economics; Human Resource Management; Information Systems and Social Media; Management; Marketing Communications; Public Administration; and Real Estate.
  2. Demonstrate knowledge of business processes and an ability to assess industry attractiveness, identify risks and opportunities of doing business in a global environment
  3. Choose and apply appropriate quantitative or qualitative methodologies to analyze problems and utilize modern technological and analytical tools necessary to support decision-making in organizations.
  4. Develop leadership and organisational skills towards communicating vision, inspiring employees and promoting innovation and change.
  5. Identify and evaluate ethical issues and communicate justifiable resolutions for practical situations.
  6. Demonstrate proficiency in communication and develop teamwork skills.

Specific Concentration Objectives:

  1. Gain a systematic understanding of real estate-related problems, methods and tools for analyzing and evaluating the real estate and property industry
  2. Develop an understanding of the planning policy and implementation process, and acquaintance with the legal and taxation aspects of the real estate industry
  3. Apply tools to determine market trends and values in the real estate industry

Γλώσσα Διδασκαλίας: Αγγλική (Τα μαθήματα του πρώτου και δεύτερου χρόνου προσφέρονται επίσης και στα Ελληνικά)

Full-time and Part-time

Ενδεικτικό Πρόγραμμα

Degree Requirements

Semester 1

  • Accounting I    
  • Principles of Microeconomics    
  • Basic Writing    
  • Finite Maths with Applied Calculus    
  • Business Software Applications    

Semester 2

  • Accounting II    
  • Computer Fundamentals    
  • Principles of Macroeconomics    
  • Statistics I    
  • Introduction to Management    

Semester 3

  • Managerial Accounting    
  • Organizational Behavior    
  • English Composition    
  • Marketing    
  • General Psychology I    

Semester 4

  • Business Ethics    
  • Business Law    
  • Business and Professional Communication    
  • Managerial Finance    
  • Principles of Sociology    

Semester 5

  • Accounting Information Systems    
  • Research Methods in Business    
  • Introduction to the Real Estate Industry    
  • Cyprus Property Law    
  • Planning Policy and Implementation    

Semester 6

  • Statistics II    
  • Property Taxation    
  • Commercial and Residential Estate Management    
  • Appraisal and Valuation Theory    
  • Property Marketing    

Semester 7

  • Information Systems Project    
  • Quantitative Methods    
  • Estate Agency Management    
  • Property Development    
  • Applied Valuation Methods    

Semester 8

  • Strategy and Business Policy    
  • Operations Management    
  • Real Estate Investment and Finance    
  • Compulsory Acquisitions and Preservation    
  • Practicum    

Προοπτικές Σταδιοδρομίας

Real Estate Investment firm, Real Estate Equity firm, Estate Manager, Property Valuation Manager and Consultant, Real Estate Broker, Real Estate Agent, Development and Construction Industry, Appraiser, Investment and Banking Sector.

Πρόσβαση σε Περαιτέρω Σπουδές

Upon graduation, students may have direct access to further postgraduate (MBA, MSc, MA, MRes, MPhil and PhD) studies.

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