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Πανελλαδικές Εξετάσεις
Πρόσθετες Πληροφορίες

The BSc (Hons) Web Design and Development combines a number of topics as they apply to the Digital Society and Digital Technologies.

The programme includes digital media emerging areas such as video, image and audio production, animation, digital content creation and management, special effects, web design and development, application design, social media and search engine optimisation. Programme graduates will be able to apply their knowledge in different disciplines, such as IT, web and mobile design and development, audiovisual production, multimedia production, social media marketing, internet marketing, SEO, SEM, online word of mouth, digital storytelling, e-business, e-commerce and mobile commerce.

Μεταπτυχιακό Τμήματος

Year 1

• English Language I
• English Language II
• Academic Writing
• Introduction to Maths and Statistics
• Internet Fundamentals
• Introduction to Audiovisual Technologies

Year 2

• Web Design & UX
• Contextual Studies
• Computer Graphics

• Web Development
• Multimedia Production
• Video Production
• Audio Production

Year 3

• Application Design & Delivery
• Graphic Communication

• Data Driven Applications
• Professional Practice
• Video-Post Production
• Code Design

Year 4

• Portfolio Projects
• User Experience Design
• Enterprise Development & Production

• Research Project
• Work as Practice

Nowadays, there is high employability potential for students studying Web Design & Development, and this will increase in the near future, as information communication technologies push into new frontiers. With the rapid advancement of technologies, qualified and skilled professionals are becoming more and more essential for almost all industry sectors. The programme’s content diversity will equip graduates with the necessary expertise to be employed in different sectors (industry, private or government) and as part of different departments including marketing, e-commerce, multimedia or IT. Additionally, they can be employed in multimedia agencies, marketing agencies, consultancy firms or even start their own business.

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Μεταπτυχιακά & Πτυχία σε Ελλάδα και Κύπρο