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1. Telecommunications and Mobile Technologies
2. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Systems

Πανελλαδικές Εξετάσεις
Πρόσθετες Πληροφορίες

The BEng (Hons) Electrical and Electronic Engineering aims to develop Engineers with a broad understanding of current technology and practice trends in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, covering a wide range of topics related to power and electronic systems. This discipline encompasses a wide skills base and the course equips graduates with the knowledge, skills, professionalism and confidence to thrive in the always-evolving field of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, as well as gaining the transferrable skills to find employment in a diverse set of industrial, commercial and research sectors.

Year 1

• Introduction to Programming
• Electrical Engineering Fundamentals
• Calculus and Linear Algebra for Engineers*
• Algorithms and Data Structures
• English Language I
• English Language II

*Subject to approval

Year 2

• Digital Electronics
• Applied Physics
• Electronic Engineering Practice
• Electronics and Instrumentation
• Computational Mathematics*
• Probability Theory for Engineers*
• Introduction to Mechanics

*Subject to approval

Year 3

• Digital Systems
• Electronic Systems Applications
• Signals and Control Systems
• Electronics Systems
• Data Communications
• Power Systems

Year 4

• Project
• Engineering Professionalism

• Engineering Economics
• Project Management
• Microcontroller Systems
• Digital Communications
• Digital signal and Image Processing
• Wireless, Mobile and Fibre-optic Communications
• Mobile Technologies
• Power Systems Operation and Control
• Renewable Energy Sources
• Power Electronics
• Electrical Services
• Applied Power Electronics

Electrical and Electronic Engineering graduates are in greater demand more than ever, which means the possible career options are varied. Graduates could be employed in many different industry sectors including but not limited to, electronics, IT, energy, power, transportation, telecommunications, and consumer electronics, as well as in research and development.

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