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Πανελλαδικές Εξετάσεις
Πρόσθετες Πληροφορίες

The BEng (Hons) Computer Engineering programme aims to provide graduates with a broad understanding of current technology and practice in computer engineering, covering the relevant aspects of Digital and Analogue Electronics, Microcontrollers and Computer Architectures, Programming and Operating Systems, Software and Hardware Engineering, Networking, Robotics as well as additional specialist areas according to the option modules studied.

The discipline of Computer Engineering encompasses a wide skills base and the emphasis of this programme is placed on Computer Hardware, Networking and Robotics. It encompasses elements of system level design, programming and mathematical principles.

The programme equips graduates with the knowledge, practical skills and confidence to thrive and develop to gain suitable employment in the rapidly changing world of Computer engineering. The skills gained on the programme are also transferable to a diverse set of industrial and commercial sectors.

Μεταπτυχιακά Τμήματος

Year 1


        Computer Systems and Security
        Calculus and Linear Algebra for Engineers
        Electrical Engineering Fundamentals
        Introduction to Programming
        Discrete Mathematics
        Engineering, Research and Academic Skills

Year 2


    Probability Theory for Engineers
    Computational Mathematics for Engineers
    Electronics and Instrumentation
    Digital Electronics
    Introduction to Networking
    Algorithms and Data Structures


    System Analysis and Database Design
    Applied Physics
    Electronic Engineering Practice
    Explorations in Computing
    Free Elective

Year 3


    Digital Systems
    Computer Architectures
    Operating Systems


    Human Computer Interaction and User Experience
    Data Communications
    Introduction to Network Routing
    Electronic Systems Applications
    Signals and Control Systems
    Electronics Systems
    Robotic Systems
    Advanced Programming
    Digital Evidence and Incident Response
    Computer Security
    Database Systems

Sandwich Year

Industrial Placement

Year 4


    Microcontroller Systems
    Engineering Professionalism


    Advanced Network Routing
    Cloud Computing
    Mobile Technologies
    Parallel Processing and Distributed Systems
    Fault Tolerant Systems
    VSLI Systems Design
    Computer-Aided Instrumentation
    Embedded Real-Time Systems
    Robotics and Autonomous Systems
    Computer Vision
    Artificial Intelligence

Οδηγός Σπουδών


Employability is central to our degree provision and through this programme students will develop the necessary Computer Engineering skills to ensure a successful career in this industry. Programme delivery allows for students to concentrate in their chosen area depending on module choices, including computer hardware, software engineering, robotics and networks. This ensures that their studies are shaped to suit their career aspirations. We consider practical experience an important component of our students’ future employability.

Through a number of modules, students have the opportunity to get hands-on, practical understanding and experience to enhance their skills. Industrial placements may also be available to broaden their practical work experience and to consolidate their learning, as well as establishing a professional network, which can provide them with a significant advantage in their early career development.
Experienced Computer Engineers can find themselves employed as Solution Architects or System Architects who are considered amongst the 10 most well-paid jobs globally. Computer Engineering as well as its sub-specialisations are considered highly researched areas and fast evolving fields, therefore there are many opportunities for graduates to pursue a research related career.

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