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Χαροκόπειο Πανεπιστήμιο, Πανεπιστήμιο Αιγαίου, Paris I – Panthéon Sorbonne (IREST): Sustainable Tourism Development: Heritage, Environment, Society (2024-2025)

The Departments of “Economics and Sustainable Development”, “Geography” and “Informatics and Telematics” of Harokopio University of Athens, the Department of “Business Administration” of the University of the Aegean and the “Institut de Recherche et d’ Etudes Supérieures du Tourisme” of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University (IREST), according to the 10th Meeting of the Curriculum Committee of 24th April 2024 and the Regulation of Studies of the Programme, have decided and invite all interested parties from April 29th up to June 30th 2024 to apply for a total of sixty (60) postgraduate students in the International Master Programme (MSc) entitled "Sustainable Tourism Development: Heritage, Environment, Society".

The Programme focuses on the provision of high-level qualifications for professions related to Sustainable Tourism Development and Interpretation and Management of Heritage. The subject of the Master's Programme is the provision of specialized studies in the scientific field of Sustainable Tourism Development through heritage.

The Master’s Programme is a double degree programme that results in the award of two diplomas to the student. These diplomas are:

  • Master in Tourism "Sustainable Tourism Development: Heritage, Environment, Society" of Harokopio University of Athens and the University of the Aegean;
  • Master 2, mention Tourism, course "Sustainable Tourism Development: Heritage, Environment, Society" of Paris 1.

The diplomas awarded by the home and the partner institution are two (2) distinct and autonomous diplomas.

Structure of the Programme:
The Master's Programme is a full-time programme made up of two (2) academic semesters (12 months). Lectures are held by professors of Harokopio University of Athens, of the University of the Aegean and of IREST- Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University, as well as by invited speakers who may be academics, researchers or professionals. All courses are taught in English and are held at Harokopio University of Athens.

The Master’s Programme will begin in the winter semester of the academic year 2024-2025. The attendance will be two to three afternoons on weekdays (Monday to Friday).

Target Groups of applicants:
Access to the Master’s Programme is reserved to students who hold:

  • a Greek national diploma conferring the degree of Bachelor in a subject area compatible with that of the Master's Degree, and in particular but not exclusively: tourism studies, geography, sociology, economics, management, environmental studies, cultural studies, human and social sciences, engineering and law;
  • a French national diploma conferring the grade of Master 1 in a subject area compatible with that of the Master's degree, in particular but not exclusively: tourism studies, geography, sociology, economics, management, environmental studies, cultural studies, human and social sciences, engineering and law.

Graduates holding a national degree from a university in a country other than Greece and France must obtain validation or their degree must be included in the National Registry of Foreign Recognized Academic Title Types: here, and the University issuing the degree must be included in the National Registry of Foreign Recognized Higher Education Institutes: here.

Selection process of applicants:
The selection process of applicants involves the following steps:

  1. Application Folder
  2. Screening and pre-selection
  3. Interview
  4. Assessment
  5. Decision

Candidates are pre-selected on the basis of the application folder based on criteria such as the Bachelor’s Degree grade, the level of English language knowledge, the possession of other Postgraduate Degrees, the professional and research experience in the field of tourism or in cultural institutions, the publications in scientific journals and/or in conference proceedings.

Pre-selected candidates will be invited to an interview. Upon completion of the interview process, the final candidates to be admitted to the Master’s Programme will be selected.

Applicants should fill-in the electronic application form through the online application portal: https://application.hua.gr/ and submit the supporting documents as mentioned here, until 30.06.2024.

Call for Applications

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